Live remote support directly at the machine with augmented reality
Try our remote software for free and get to know FLUX REMOTE!

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Use Remote Assist via Augmented Reality for machine maintenance!

Make use of the technical innovations that also influence machine maintenance or remote maintenance. Telephone support for machine maintenance and solutions to complex problems is usually more difficult than expected. Often the general conditions of production influence the quality and time-consuming like on-site appointments are unavoidable.


Machine maintenance with

Innovative digital assistence for efficient support

Book a consultation! Test FLUX REMOTE!


Depending on your requirements and your use cases in machine maintenance and your facilities your service technicians or the service technicians of your costumers, can receive direct and live assistance with individual service cases.

To this end, an own service-app in your corporate design wil be at your disposal. The service technicians use the FLUX-RE software simply in your service-app on a smartphone or tablet: At the machine the expert is contacted via video call. The service technician on the spot and the expert have now the same view on the machine. Augemented reality enables the expert to directly reach in the space to directly place 3D arrows oder other content (e.g. graphics, diagrams oder videos) at the releavnt position in real space and make them visible.

Additional features cover: Highlighting positions in space, setting freehand marking, exchange of data (e.g. images and PDFs) by communicating over a chat-function. Because of an intuitive interface all working steps are easily understandable and not limited by factos like speech differences or ambient noises any more

The use of FLUX-RE software leads to a reduction of plant downtime
through immediate support. This also results in an increase in the
performance of the personnel employed, due to more service time
instead of travel time. Studies show a savings potential of up to 40 percent in individual service and maintenance cases. In addition, augmented reality is constantly creating new approaches and solutions for digital support for machine maintenance.

The application of the FLUX-RE software naturally allows simultaneous digital assistance in several service cases. This allows as many experts as desired to support the requirements for machine maintenance.

Due to the data collection in your FLUX-RE service app, service cases that have been carried out can be logged automatically and automatically applied to your ERP system or similar. This creates the prerequisite for defining further optimizations for machine maintenance.


Benefits and added values

Savings potential for individual service cases of up to 40%
Reduction of plant downtime through immediate support
Increased performance of deployed personnel due to more service time instead of travel time
Direct interaction through simple gesture control and voice commands
Effective quality control through real-time quality control
Optimization of workplace situations by placing clues in augmented reality
Reduction of travel costs for service technicians
Removal of communicative barriers

Test for free

Test FLUX REMOTE free of charge for 14 days with multiple users

Test FLUX REMOTE together with your employees (simply via app on smartphone or tablet) on your machines or systems.

How it works:
You submit your data (form below) and install the FLUX REMOTE app on your smartphone or tablet; available for Apple and Android devices.
We will automatically send you a so-called token via e-mail, with which you can use the app free of charge and without obligation for 14 days. In addition, our email will of course contain explanations of the various functions.
Test different use cases on machines together with your employees or their mobile devices (both unlimited). Manage the users and data in your own CMS.

Of course, we are also happy to advise you personally. Just choose your appointment!

Book a consultation

Test now for free!

    *Required field to ensure we can answer your message as quickly and effectively as possible.


    Implementing FLUX REMOTE

    Chronological order

    Online software consultation
    • Free half-hour presentation of products and services
    • Individual discussion of your use cases

    Book a consultation!


    Workshop at your site at your machine
    • Collection of your maintenance-relevant information (machine documentation incl. image, video and 3D material
    • Processing and transfer of data in our system
    • Implement FLUX REMOTE to solve service challenges remotely
    • Presentation of the machine set up as a basis for decision-making for further steps in our cooperation

    Use FLUX REMOTE in your service app in your corporate design
    • Savings on costs for individual service cases
    • Individual functions possible
    • Use of the app by your experts, service technicians and customers

    Continuously optimize your service process based on data
    • Protocol performed service operation automatically
    • Interface to your own software infrastructure(e.g. ERP system)
    • Utilize data evaluation to optimize the solution of service cases remotely


    Use cases of

    Innovative maintenance
    Solutions for service cases from remote
    Machine construction, plant engineering and construction, and special purpose machinery manufacture

    Case studies

    Case studies and references

    Venjakob Maschinenbau

    FLUX REMOTE for digital machine maintenance
    See video See Venjakob case study

    Overview of all references

    to applications of FLUX SUITE
    See alle references

    Checkliste & Wettbewerbsvergleich

    Our support for your
    Supplier comparison


    The most important criteria for a remote solution compared.
    See checklist

    Competition comparison

    Comparison of FLUX REMOTE and other suppliers.
    See comparison

    Requirements list

    Evaluation of FLUX REMOTE and other providers in comparison.
    Requirements list

    Product data sheet

    FLUX REMOTE for machine maintenance
    See product data sheet


    Start now!

    Optimize the workflow management for machine maintenance for yourself and your customers. Use your full potential for employee training and presentations!

    We are happy to help!

    Tailored for your individual application cases and of course without obligation and free of charge. Make an appointment now for a personal consultation for FLUX REMOTE or online software consulting with Christian Terhechte (CEO Raumtänzer).
    Book a consultation

    Any questions?

    Of course we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Either personally with your contact for the FLUX SUITE, using the contact form or our other contacts. We are looking forward to your requirements!

    Your contact for
    FLUX REMOTE software

    Christian Terhechte
    CEO Raumtänzer
    +49 5242 5500070
    <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-terhechte/" Network now on LinkedIn!
    Contact us